Previous Year
July 2024
Next Year
Mon 1st
Tue 2nd
Wed 3rd
Thu 4th
General Election - More -
The Polling Station at the Village Hall will be open from 7.00am to 10.00pm. All voters must show valid photo ID.
Fri 5th
Sat 6th
Newton Village Fayre - More -
A Village Fayre organised by the Village Hall Management Committee in the Queen Elizabeth II Playing Field. Arena displays, stalls, competitions and lots of fun for the whole family.  2.00 to 5.00.
Sun 7th
Mon 8th
Tue 9th
19:30 - Parish Council Meeting - More -
Parish Council meeting, in the Village Hall. All welcome.
Wed 10th
Thu 11th
10:30 - Village Coffee Shop - More -
The Village Coffee Shop in the Village Hall from 10.30 to 12.30. Tea, Coffee, Cake or Sausage Rolls. Open to everyone. Phone Margaret on 870083 for details.
Fri 12th
Sat 13th
Sun 14th
10:00 - Gardening Club Outing - More -
Gardening Club outing to the beautiful Barnsdale Gardens created by the late Geoff Hamilton for BBC Gardeners' World. Details from the committee members.
Mon 15th
Tue 16th
19:00 - Ladies Club Outing - More -
Members of the Ladies Club and their guests visit the Museum of Technology in Throckenholt. Call Penny on 871375 or Margaret on 870083 for further details.
Wed 17th
12:15 - Mobile Library - More -
The Mobile Library will be in Goodens Lane opposite Colvile Road from 12.15 to 12.35.
Thu 18th
Fri 19th
19:30 - Fenland Bonsai Club Meeting - More -
Monthly meeting at the Village Hall.  All welcome.
Sat 20th
Sun 21st
Mon 22nd
Tue 23rd
Wed 24th
Thu 25th
14:30 - Afternoon Tea - More -
Afternoon Tea at the Village Hall from 2.30 to 4.30. A selection of cakes or scones jam and cream, with a choice of teas or coffee. Open to everyone.
Fri 26th
Sat 27th
Sun 28th
Mon 29th
Tue 30th
10:00 - Street Pride Family Litter Pick - More -
A Family Litter Pick to celebrate the start of the summer holiday and help to keep our village tidy. Meet at the Village Hall at 10.00. All equipment provided. Everyone welcome.
Wed 31st
Previous Year
July 2024
Next Year