
Planning Committee Meeting

The Planning Committee will meet on Tuesday 27 July at 7pm to discuss the following planning applications:-

F/YR21/0776/VOC - Variation of condition 7 (list of approved plans) relating to planning permission F/YR15/0506/F (Conversion of existing barn involving erection of a single-storey extension and raising the height of the building to form a part single-storey part 2-storey 4-bed dwelling with attached double garage) - Barn South of 2 Newton Hall Barns, Hogens Lane, Newton-in-the-Isle

F/YR20/1123/F - Erect 4 x dwellings (2-storey 3-bed) and the formation of 4 x new accesses involving the demolition of existing public house at Woadman's Arms, 343 High Road, Newton-in-the-Isle

Anybody wishing to express an opinion on these applications is welcome to attend the meeting. Please contact the Clerk for details.

Notice of Vacancy

Following the resignation of Councillor Dave Gibbs, a vacancy has arisen in the office of Councillor for Newton-in-the-Isle Parish Council

For further details, please read the official notice of vacancy.

- Notice of Vacancy -

Planning Committee Meeting

The Planning Committee will meet remotely on Wednesday 16 December at 7pm to discuss the following planning applications:-

F/YR20/1123/F - Erect 4 x dwellings (2-storey 3-bed) and the formation of 4 x new accesses involving the demolition of existing public house at Woadman's Arms, 343 High Road, Newton-in-the-Isle

F/YR20/1181/CERTLU - Certificate of lawfulness (Existing): Occupation of ancillary dwelling without compliance with condition 9 of planning permission F/YR07/0883/F - use of dwelling as an independent residential unit at The Bothy, Church Lane, Newton-in-the-Isle

Anybody wishing to express an opinion on these applications is welcome to attend the meeting. Please contact the Clerk for details.

Parish Council Meeting

The Parish Council will meet on Tuesday 12 May at 7.00pm. Due to the current restrictions, the meeting will take place remotely using a video conferencing system. Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting. If you have a computer, tablet or smartphone with a forward-facing camera and a microphone, connected to the internet, you will be able to join the meeting in this way. If you do not have a suitable device, you will be able to join the meeting by telephone.

If you wish to take part in this meeting, please contact the Chairman no later than noon on the day of the meeting to allow time for the necessary arrangements to be made.

Notice of Election

Elections will take place for the seven seats on Newton-in-the-Isle Parish Council on Thursday 2nd May.

To view the formal Notice of Election, visit the Latest News page.

Planning Committee Meeting

The Planning Committee will meet on Tuesday 22nd January at 7pm in the Village Hall to discuss the following planning application:-

F/YR19/0027/F - Erection of 2no 2-storey extensions to side elevations of existing dwelling - Barrington Lodge, Mill Lane, Newton-In-The-Isle. - View application -

Anybody wishing to express an opinion on this application is welcome to attend the meeting.

Planning Committee Meeting

The Planning Committee will meet on Thursday 3rd January at 7pm in the Village Hall to discuss the following planning applications:-

F/YR18/1118/O - Erection of up to 12no dwellings (outline application with matters committed in respect of access and layout) - Site of Former Colvile County Primary School, Church Lane, Newton-In-The-Isle. - View application -

F/YR18/1120/O - Erection of 34no sheltered retirement apartments with retail unit (outline application with matters committed in respect of access and layout) - Site of Former Colvile County Primary School, Church Lane, Newton-In-The-Isle. - View application -

Anybody wishing to express an opinion on these applications is welcome to attend the meeting.

Planning Committee Meeting

The Planning Committee will meet on Monday 22nd October at 7pm in the Village Hall to discuss the following planning application:-

F/YR18/0888/O - Erection of up to 4 x dwellings involving the formation of 3 x accesses (outline application with matters committed in respect of access) - Land North of Tewinbury House, Mill Lane, Newton-in-the-Isle. - View application -

Anybody wishing to express an opinion on this application is welcome to attend the meeting.

Planning Committee Meeting

The Planning Committee will meet on Tuesday 31st July at 7pm in the Village Hall to discuss the following planning application:-

F/YR18/0651/F - Erection of 2 x 2-storey 2-bed dwellings, Land East of 15A Goodens Lane. - View application -

Anybody wishing to express an opinion on this application is welcome to attend the meeting.

Notice of Vacancy

Following the resignation of Councillor Jandy Kooreman, a vacancy has arisen in the office of Councillor for Newton-in-the-Isle Parish Council

For further details, please read the official notice of vacancy.

- Notice of Vacancy -

Appointment of New Councillor

At the meeting on Tuesday 10th July, Geoffrey Wilkinson was co-opted onto the Parish Council to fill the vacancy following the resignation of Cllr Sloan. Geoff is a well known long-term resident of the parish who brings many years of local government experience. We look forward to working with him as a member of the council.

Notice of Vacancy

Following the resignation of Councillor Rodney Sloan, a vacancy has arisen in the office of Councillor for Newton-in-the-Isle Parish Council

For further details, please read the official notice of vacancy.

- Notice of Vacancy -

Planning Committee Meeting

The Planning Committee will meet on Wednesday 31st January at 7pm in the Village Hall to discuss the following planning applications:-

F/YR18/0026/O - Erection of a dwelling (Outline application with all matters reserved), Land East of 15A Goodens Lane. - View application -

F/YR18/0039/F - Erection of 3 x 2-storey dwellings comprising of: 2 x 2-bed and 1 x 3-bed, and a change of use of land to a vegetable garden for Plot 1, Land East of Chartwell House School, Goodens Lane. - View application -

F/YR18/0085/O - Erection of up to 4 x dwellings involving the formation of 3 x accesses (Outline application with matters committed in respect of access), Land North of Tewinbury House, Mill Lane. - View application -

Anybody wishing to express an opinion on these applications is welcome to attend the meeting.

Planning Committee Meeting

The Planning Committee will meet on Wednesday 18th October at 7pm in the Village Hall to discuss the plans for the erection of up to 2 dwellings (outline application with matters committed in respect of access only) involving demolition of existing outbuildings at Land West Of Brereton House, Fitton End Road, Newton-In-The-Isle. Anybody wishing to express an opinion on this application is welcome to attend the meeting.

The planning application and associated documents can be viewed on the Fenland District Council website as planning application number F/YR17/0932/F.

- View application -

Planning Committee Meeting

The Planning Committee will meet on Tuesday 26th September at 7pm in the Village Hall to discuss the plans for the erection of a 2 storey 3 bedroom dwelling with detached garage/store and the siting of a temporary caravan during construction at Land East of Charity Farmhouse, Goredyke Bank, Gorefield, PE13 4NH. Anybody wishing to express an opinion on this application is welcome to attend the meeting.

The planning application and associated documents can be viewed on the Fenland District Council website as planning application number F/YR17/0872/F.

- View application -

New Parish Councillors Co-opted

At their meeting on Monday 4th September, the members of the Parish Council selected two new Councillors to fill the vacancies resulting from recent resignations.

Cllr Rodney Sloan is well known for his involvement in the Village Plan, the Village Fete and the Friends of the Church. He also brings useful experience and knowledge from his professional life in the financial services industry.

Cllr Roger Moore brings many years' experience as a Parish Councillor, a Unitary Borough Councillor, a Village Hall Trustee, School Governor, and a Director of several charities.

We look forward to working with our new members to achieve the Council's objectives.

Notice of Vacancy

Following the resignations of Councillors Doug Fullbrook and Alison Sloan, two vacancies have arisen in the office of Councillor for Newton-in-the-Isle Parish Council

For further details, please read the official notices of vacancy.

- Notice of Vacancy - Fullbrook -
- Notice of Vacancy - Sloan -

Parish Council Meetings

The Parish Council will meet on the following dates during 2017 at 7.00 in the Village Hall.

Members of the public are welcome to attend all meetings. Each meeting starts with a short Public Forum at which visitors may raise any issues they would like to bring to the attention of the Council. The Parish Assembly in March offers an opportunity for parishioners to meet the members of the Council and to discuss any aspect of life in the Parish.

Parish Name Change

Following overwhelming support from residents through the Village Plan survey, we applied to revert to the original name of Newton-in-the-Isle.

At their meeting on Thursday 25th February, Fenland District Council accepted our request and will now be conducting all the legal processes on our behalf. New signs have been erected at the entrances to the village to celebrate our new identity.

The Village Plan process has highlighted a number of other issues that can be addressed promptly by the Parish Council and we will provide further feedback in the coming months.